题目:The Long-Term Effect of High School Graduation Requirement on Education: College and Beyond
主讲人:郝 壮 助理教授、北京航空航天大学
主持人:李 飞 讲师、北京邮电大学
时 间: 2019年10月28日(周一)下午13:30
地 点:经管楼204会议室
Using 2000-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) data, we examine how state level mathematics and science high-school graduation requirements (HSGR) affect students’ long-term education attainment and future earnings. We find that an increase in mathematics and science HSGR has significantly increased the probabilities of getting bachelor’s degrees and advanced degrees among males. These positive effects are largest among whites. Furthermore, whites benefit more from HSGR in terms of future earnings. This paper shows how early intervention in secondary education can affect individuals’ long-term post-graduate human capital investment. It also highlights the complex nexus of education policies and racial disparity.
郝壮,助理教授,北京航空航天大学248cc永利集团,先后于同济大学、北京师范大学、华盛顿州立大学取得学士、硕士和博士学位。研究方向集中在教育经济学和劳动经济学领域,目前的研究包括公共政策对劳动、教育和健康的影响,健康行为、健康水平和老年人健康问题等。他的研究发表于Economic Inquiry, American Journal of Health Economics等高水平SSCI期刊。