Title: When “Breaking Bad” Turns Out Good: A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Adolescent Destructive Deviance on Lifetime Career Success
主讲人:周金毅 清华大学248cc永利集团
主持人:李雅文 248cc永利集团
时 间: 2018年12月19日(周三)下午16:00-17:30
地 点: 经管楼204
Few studies have investigated the long-term effects of an individual’s deviance in adolescence on future career success. In this study, drawing upon the theoretical frameworks of Erickson’s psychosocial development stages of human beings and nonconformity and social cognitive theory, we develop and test a dynamic career development model using a multiple-wave multilevel longitudinal dataset, which has 4,885 participants with almost 50,000 year-level career tracks. Results indicate that individuals’ moderate destructive deviance in adolescence enhances their long-term career success and that nonconformity value mediates such relationship. Moreover, educational achievement moderates the mediating effect in that, for individuals with higher education, their moderate destructive deviance in adolescence has a stronger relationship with their nonconformity value and career success. Self-esteem suppresses the relationship between moderate destructive deviance in adolescence and career success. Further, study results demonstrate that severe destructive deviance in adolescence impedes individuals’ long-term career success by decreasing self-esteem. Implications for future research on career development and parenting are discussed.